Oof....what a night....

Oke my dear friends and strangers who read my blog...
I know I got really excited telling you guys about the Kaiser Chiefs. I went to check them out last night at the HMH in Amsterdam.
So me and my friend we were all ready to go, and besides the fact that it was freezing cold we were stoked to see these guys play.
But I guess we forgot that these kind of bands bring lots of groupies with them...groupies that are not older than 18 years, and get dropped of by their parent. That doesn't have to be a bad thing right....
After an hour listening to the first band from Island, they were fun, and than SILVERSUN, which I now LOVE, the Kaiser Chiefs Finlay arrived. They took their time before they showed up which made the crowd inpatient, and a little weird.
Can someone explain me what it is with dutch people, that they yell for beer, finally get it, and than start to trow it in and over the rest of the audience.... I don't understand that.
So that was the first thing that night that didn't go to well. I feld old between all those 17 year old kids, and smelled like a beer botle after a while... But we kept standing there... and the KC started to play....Holy cow....Ive never ever seen kids going wild like that...nice...besides the fact that most of them were dancing on our ankles. And beating each other up.... I can honestly say that this was not funny anymore. And I saw some of the younger kids panicking. After kicking one very nasty man (he was at least 20) in his nuts, we decided we should grab a seat or sit on the chairs. So we did.
They played Ruby, and NANANA, and a few more, but after a while we left. To bad, they wern't that good and they were drunk, or stoned or whatever the "freedom" of Amsterdam gave them... Wish I did save my money to go see Kanye West who plays next Monday... O well.
Kaiser Chiefs...; more rehab, more learning your lyrics and less drugs I guess.
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