The Kiterunner

Last night my family,mom-dad-and my three younger sisters and I went to the cinema to see the moovie The Kiterunner. Some of you might have read the book.
I was blown away by this moovie, its like art, the shots, the city of Kabul, and deserts of Afganistan. Beautiful. This moovie shows bouth sides of these, still in war, countries. The biautiful nature, and the people and there way of living there lives, and than there is the Taliban, te regime that kills women and men who dont fallow their rules. Its a moovie that touched my soul more than any other moovie has ever done. This one is so real, and at the same time, when a women is beeing stoned you realise that it is very real.
I am very impressed by the way the actors and writer dealed with the issues of the taliban. Its just sooo good!
Ofcourse I wont write the whole storie down, no you should go and see the moovie for your self. It is worth it!
Its a tearrunner, and sometimes funny, but in an emotional way.
Love and hate, fear, human rights, pain, but also the joy of a child, the beauti of the countries and the people.....
And the loyalty that a servant shows his master......
everyone; go see "THE KITERUNNER" !!!!!!!!!!

Director:Marc Forster
Writers (WGA):David Benioff (screenplay)Khaled Hosseini (novel)
Release Date:10 January 2008 (Netherlands) more
Genre:Drama more
Tagline:There is a way to be good again.
Plot Outline:After spending years in California, Amir returns to his homeland in Afghanistan to help his old friend Hassan, whose son is in trouble.
Plot Synopsis:View full synopsis. (warning! may contain spoilers)
Plot Keywords:Controversial / Taliban / Child Rape / Flea Market / Stoning more
Awards:Nominated for 2 Golden Globes. Another 1 win & 3 nominations
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