A great start of this new year!!!

I'm sure most of you are done with the holidays, cristmas is over and so is the newyears-vibe... The cristmastrees are all to be found on the streets in my hometown Haarlem, its kind a sad.
So I hope you guys had a good new year start! I def did!
My friend Courtney, from Detroit (put your hands up for detroit...I love that city.... yes that one) came over for a conference, but also stayd with me a couple of days. It was great to see her.

And I didnt expect us to get a long the way we did. Like sisters. She told me all her secrets, even some I didnt wanna know....but you know, she didnt care ;) We went hunting for toiletpaper, made dutch pancakes, hung out and trie to watch moovies but never seem to make the end cuz we would talk all the time, and the best part.....besides good company, prayers and sisterlove, were the amount of clothe that she had with her for these 10 days :D . Courtney brought two huge suitcases with her, and so when she had to go to the airport this morning at 5.30am!!! I had to come with her.....well I offered, I like the airport and had to go to work anyways, so. But she wouldnt have made it on her own with those big bags!!! It cracked me up!
So, a shout out to you Courtney, cheers on the best and biggest stroopwafels ever, great tea, good confersations, and your cough, to the trains and your wobbley shoes (how's your en
kel) and to my date and you hottie!!! :D

I loved it and Ill miss you!!!
Newyears was at Dwaze Zaken, a cafe in Amsterdam. DJ Joost who I must say is kind a cute, and DJ Rikko delivered the music and we danced, smiled and cheered! See the pics. It was good.

One litle negative thing, the fog. At 6 am as we (me and my friend) drove back to haarlem by car, had to drive so slow, we couldnt see anything and it took us almost an hour-and-a-half to get to Haarlem!!! (This is normaly done in 30 minutes by car!)
Clouds everyhere.....spooky.
So now its 2008, my friend alise bought a house, and Ill be mooving in with her very soon, Ill be going to LA and meet with Danny who I havent seen for at least 2 years and go to SD surf the waves and might end up with a job....if the Lord wants it.....
To be continued....

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