one hack of a surprise!!!!

Its a thursdaynight, after having dinner with a friend at the Cleft in Amsterdam I had out for a coffee and some good jazzmusic at one of my favorite cafee's in Amsterdam; Dwaze Zaken (Foolish Things). Its crouded inside, people are having dinner, and at the bar are some of my friends chillin'. Its nice and warm. The lights are dimmed, and sweet music is playing on the background. The jazzband itself hasnt start yet, they are setting up and getting ready to play some good music.
So Im righting this piece to honer one of my long-time-know friends Chris Leter.
Im not sure if he is aware of this, but he is an amazing talented guy. He plays the bass like no other, and he is a pritty good drummer too. Besides that he has a big heart for God, and for his friends. But I never expected what I got from him last night! Keep reading....
As I order a drink, I join my friends and we chat. After a while Chris goes: I have to leave but Ill be back in 7 minutes... I just looked at him and waved goodbey.
Continuing the confersation I was in.
Than when Chris comes back he has a litle packets with him, lays it down on the counter and I wander for who it is. Wrapperd in Sinterklaaspaper it just lays there for a while. Than after about 20 minutes he hands it over to me. Im surpised and thinking they are messing with me, because my other friends start laughing... and telling me its a simple chocolatletter... Honestly I love recieving gifts, and I didnt really care for what was in it...its such a cool gesture.
So as I unwrap the eyes are getting bigger and bigger and my smile almost falles of my face...:D
I have to explain you a litle bit why I was so excited.
Last sunday me and Chris went to a postoffice/bookstore to buy a gift for one of our friends, she will be leaving us for a year and we wanted to buy her a cool journal. I had seen a really nice one, so we bought it for her. I had dropped that I loved this journal cuz of its looks, but it was a litle too expencive for me. Not just a normal ordanary you might understand. Beautifull.

As I unwrap the paper I see that same journal in my hands. I LOVED IT!!!
So cool! This time not only the gesture was amazing, but the gift blew me away!!
I was surprised and felled so loved!
Thank you Chris, you are the bomb!!!
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