A new start and more to come
I have mooved into my new house. Actually it's my friends house, and Im renting one of her rooms! Its almost finished. It looks very cool and we're having a blast together. Its nice to have someone around, but still have your privacy!
The other day she brought her cat, called "Aagje". A crazy and funny one.
So its a new start. A new place. I have a very nice room, and a very cozy livingroom!
We still need to put up some paintings and the kitchen (including the dishwasher..!!) need the finishing touch, but its amazing how much this place changed from what it looked like a couple of months ago!
With my new house, my new job, and new adventures in San Diego to come, Im ready. Im refreshed, and exited! Life is good like this!
God provides all the things we need, not always the things that we think we need, but He sure knows like no other what we have to have! And with that....I see a whole new futere opening up. Surrender and giving my heart to the Lord is hard and I dont like it most of the time. Im a very stubbern girl, but God has teached me to soften my heart and Im not as restless as I use to be.
I believe that there is a place and time for everything. But on Gods timing those things grow to be at their best and most beautifull.
Its not MY life...Its not about what I want. God is the source of it all, everything starts with Him.
I am learning now to start my day by telling God and remembering my self that everything I recieve is from the Lord. That He knows what is best for me.
Every action has its reaction, and Gods reaction is still the best!!!!
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