Bellisimo Ollanda!!!
The dutch ORANGE supporters on their way to the stadium, the swiss folks had no idea...!!!



Its the day-after....and still almost every dutch person has a smile on their face!!
No wonder, cuz we beated the hell out of Italy yesterday, the worldchampions, they lost....Italy got killed on the field, the we're flabbergasted when the first ball hit their goal, when the second goal was there they we're stunned and when the third one hit the net, you could see that the tears were coming!!! lol!!!!
Amsterdam turned orange again.
At half time my friend and I decided to walk around a bit, in the citycenter, and it was such a cool admosphere!!!
By that time it was 2-0, not knowing the dutch team was going to score one more...
So fun!
Here are some photo's of the dutchies and the orange-support as we call them! We not only dress the best, we sing the best, we behave the best and the city Bern in Switserland (thats were the game was at) looked orange, poor swiss!!!! :D


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