Its that time again...

It's that time again, when summer hits holland, when the temprature goes above 20 degreece, ducth people go crazy... Everyone goes outside, city's are packed with people sitting on the sidewalk or riding their bikes....thousends of bikes....everywhere...
And the smiles on the faces, the kids outside...

Its that time again, you call your friends and gather in the vondelpark in Amsterdam, or ride your bike to the beach and enyoi th northsea, and a good glass of rose....yummm!
When your legs and bud are sore from biking, your mouth dry from the air, and the moment you hit the shower you realize that you got sunburned really bad...

Yes, we dutch people love our short and most of the time its rainy, summer!
But for the last week we had awesome sunshine, and I got the chance to go to the beach, to enyoi my friends company, chill at one of the best musicfestivals of holland, fix my new place so I will soon be living there, and have romantic moments with cute guys...
O yes, this summer will be good, this summer will be different from all the others...
As I finsih drinking my glass of rose in the garden in the late eveningsun I realize, that the best is yet to come!

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