Dream.....Do...Act...... and Achieve!

With God on my side I have nothing to loose, only things to gain.

woensdag 13 februari 2008

Home sweet home....or not....

Its two am, and I finalily fall a sleep in my own bed. Still recovering the jetlag.

My eyes are open again... As I get dressed the sun shines in to my room and warms the floor. Nice! I put on my short skirt and tinktop, grab my flipflops and my new longboard an head outside for a ride!! The smile on my face hurts my cheeks...
I close my eyes for a second and listen to the weels hitting the road. Its almost a perfect ritme, for a new not written yet, song. The trees are passing by, and I can smell the ocean.

Than I lay down, and watch the sunset, the waves finishing my song. I cant believe how beautiful it is here, the grass is supergreen, the sky pure bleu, and my skin is getting tanned!
Someone buys me a coffee and I pick up a bagel at Kona's. Breakfest outside is the best right?!

Back downtown I meet up with some friends and we head to a club to dance our bud of! Its great, the beat, the music, the people, the drinks....
I look over and a guy with big blond curls smiles at me. He grabs my arm and we start dancing together... Im surprised, he's an awsome dancer!!
Than after a long sweaty night of dancing he walks me home, kisses me goodnight and dissapears...


Im tired and want to go to bed, but cant find it.... Have I been drinking that much? No, thats impossible, I never drink to much.....

I knock on a door.... again, but no one anwers...
Than after a few times trieing I hear someone else knocking... What the.....
I open my eyes, look into my own room and see its dark and cold outside. My roommate knoks on my door asking me if I got home yet, and how my trip to San Diego was...
I sit up, hit my head against the sealing (grmbl!!!!) and listen to the rain. Its freezing.

Shit.... I am back home.

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