Dream.....Do...Act...... and Achieve!

With God on my side I have nothing to loose, only things to gain.

vrijdag 25 januari 2008

What?? Ill spell it out for you!

After three days Im still ill, and my voice in completely gone. I have do idea what is going on. But it sucks cuz it stops me from going out or talking to people. And all I can do is just hang around the hostel and sleep, or watch a litle tv. Agnus, one of the guys here, from Norway..(i love europeans!) has been taking care of me a litle bit. As I had to go out at some point to by food, I gotta eat you know..., he asked m to write down what I wanted, so I went with him to the store, and he did the talking. That was kind of funny, I think some people thought I was deaf and some thought I was just retarded... We had fun :D
But I can tell you, I love San Diego. Its so great. The first day I arrived we went to a market in Ocean Beach, they had fresh food and awesome cheap shoes!!!
Loving it.
Im just hoping I get my voice back soon.... If not...it will be really quiet in San Diego!

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