From San Diego back home and a song for Jessie

After three weeks away Im back home. And its good, but I do miss San Diego and the people I met there.
Im not sure how good this holiday was. With all my expectations and goals, I kind a feel like I failed. But than again, I got home yesterday and still have a yetleg so, Im just gonna give it some time.
Besides all my thoughts and goals I had a good time being there. Meeting the people I met and being surrounded by all their creativiti was great!
I find San Diego a city where so many creative people live. Close to the beach and with almost always sunshine you just wanna make and create things, right, sing etc. Its an interesting place to hang out for a while, and I still have the desire to go back again, hopefully in may but def in june!
It depense on my job and financial situation.
Hopefully Ill be able to live out what I stand for than, and live up to my believes...
Right now Im having a hard time finding an answer to my question what do I believe. But thats good I guess, it makes me think again about what I stand for, and what place God has in my life. And I know, that this is a good place to be in, trieing to figger stuf out. Struggel with things in life is never a bad thing! It makes us grow and I believe that everytime we strugle, fall down and stand up again, we come closer to the person that God desires us to be.
I don need to focus though, and that was hard in San Diego. Testing my faith is not one of my favorite things!
I just hope that the people that I met saw a litle bit of Gods grace and His beauti in me. He is the one that created me, and for that I cant do anything else but let Him in and be thankfull for this amazing time! All good things come from Him!
Another thing to figger out, what is good and what is bad, or wrong and write....
For now, I am blessed with great new friends, a great time, and a desire to go back to this beautiful city and sunshine!
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