Is there anything like a dog-heaven?
Last night I went all the way up to Groningen to see my parents and one of my three younger sisters. Not really to visit them... The trainride there was way to long and my stumic felt realy realy weird the whole ride. I tried not to crie but I think some of the tears escaped and they wet my sunglasses.

Earlier that day my dad called, telling me that my dog, Saar, was to old and sick and she and they couldnt do anything else but put her to sleep.... Forever. She died last night, in the presence of my mom and dad and my sis. The two youngest couldnt make it.
It was horrible, and went so fast. For almost 12 years this dog was a big part (if not the biggest) of our family. And grew up with us (all the four girls). When I was younger I took her out for hours walking a long the dykes and she would always chase the horses there.
She was very very sensetive. When I had a bad they Saar would always put her head on my knee and lifted one leg up...very funny. And she could sing!!
But this last year wasnt a good one for here, our cat died, (those two were crazy about eachother, slept in the same place) and she got really nervous. When my family would leave the house she would barfkall day and she bit every single thing she could find... Poor dog.
She didnt like to be alone anymore, she got older and woke my parents up during the night with here noizes and barking!
So last night we decided it was enough, and she deserved her rest.
It was so hard to see her go. I cried, and I wasnt exepccting that it would hurt so much.
My parents found a place on a farm to bury her at a farm. Wich was a good place.
I wander if there is anyting like a dog-heaven.....