Dream.....Do...Act...... and Achieve!

With God on my side I have nothing to loose, only things to gain.

zondag 23 maart 2008

Yesterday was memorable....
I went to a dutch "art-barber" called; "kinky-kappers" to see if they could take my dreads of...
And they did...I have short hair...and my curls are coming back....its really weird, but Im very glad that I went.
The girls that did my hair, they needed more than one person.., becuz it was very hard to get my dreads out worked on my hair for 3 hours!!!
First they cut them of, and left about 5 centimeters dread on my head...I looked like clown...than they put conditioner in my hair....a whole botle and startet to lubricate my hair...
Than the worst part.....three girls started to get all my dreads out wit a comb...and that hurted!!!! Everyone that was in the shop came by to take a look, apparently it was a very interesting process...
All it was doing to me.....I was in pain....for almost 3 hours...
I was very happy to see how much hair I had left on my head...and finaly one of the girls cut it...and it looks awesome...I think! Im happy!
Back to short hair....but I love it!
Pictures soon.....

zaterdag 22 maart 2008

Screw the BUNNY.....

As Jesus kneels down in the garden of Getsemane, and His deciples/friends/brothers wait for him at the foot of the hill, he closed His eyes and asked God to stop all that was His plan in the first place. Jezus was scared and nervous, He knew what was going to happen, and also knew that it was something that had to be done! This is what the bible says;

Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane. When they got there, he told them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.”
37 Jesus took along Peter and the two brothers, James and John.
z 26.37 the two brothers, James and John: The Greek text has “the two sons of Zebedee” (see 27.56).
He was very sad and troubled, 38 and he said to them, “I am so sad that I feel as if I am dying. Stay here and keep awake with me.”
39 Jesus walked on a little way. Then he knelt with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, don't make me suffer by having me drink from this cup.
a 26.39 having me drink from this cup: In the Scriptures “to drink from a cup” sometimes means to suffer (see the note at 20.22).
But do what you want, and not what I want.”
40 He came back and found his disciples sleeping. So he said to Peter, “Can't any of you stay awake with me for just one hour? 41 Stay awake and pray that you won't be tested. You want to do what is right, but you are weak.”
42 Again Jesus went to pray and said, “My Father, if there is no other way, and I must suffer, I will still do what you want.”
43 Jesus came back and found them sleeping again. They simply could not keep their eyes open. 44 He left them and prayed the same prayer once more.
45 Finally, Jesus returned to his disciples and said, “Are you still sleeping and resting?
b 26.45 Are you still sleeping and resting?: Or “You may as well keep on sleeping and resting.”
The time has come for the Son of Man to be handed over to sinners. 46 Get up! Let's go. The one who will betray me is already here.”

He knew that it was Gods plan.

I cant emigane how terified Jezus most have been, knowing what was going to happen. But He loved/loves
you and me, and gave His life for us.

Its easter, and its not about the easterbunny or painting eggs....

The real meening of easter is one that goes way back, and is THE FOUNDATION of my faith in God.
Because of that moment, those days, when Jezus was cruisified and risen from the death again, I can know live with God, have this amazing and loving relationship with Him.
I think if you and I would take a litle more time to spend with God, we would come to understand more and more His treu and
deep love for us. A love that is beyond the love we are looking for here on earth. His love is even better than what we feel when we like someone, or when we get married.
Gods love is tru love, and tru love is real, tru love makes us long for more!

Jesus made a promise before He died... He told His deciples He would raise from the death, and meet them again, a life....
And He did, before he went to heaven to sit at Gods right hand he showed up and showed the wholes in bouth His hands, becuz even He told them before, they wouldnt believe it was Him.

Easter is about; giving up, sacrafising, new life, a new begin, and hope.
Screw the bunny.....

Jesus is A LIFE!!

dinsdag 18 maart 2008

What does a bday meen....

Do you ever thing back when you turn a year older? Thoughts like; "I cant believe this year went by so fast", or "I wish I did this and that different", or maby even, "if I could do this year over Ill do it different??"

These kind of questions have been running trough my mind lately. In two days Ill be turing 25, and I must admit that that age sounds freaking old. Ill get use to it...

My 24th year living has been a crazy one.

Totaly not what I expected it to be!

Almost everything that happend was one big surprise, some were very nice and others were absolutly not.

I think this last year has been one of the years Ive grown so much and at the same time have been falling flat on my face about a thousend times!

I went to another country...the other side of the world, somthing I had never done before, and honestly I never though I would. But since I know what its like, I cant wait to go again...

San Diego has become one of my favorite places!

I learned to surf, to skateboard...I kissed guys from all over the world, brazille, ozzy's, kiwi's americans... Never thought that would happen... no regrets either! ( not all in one week...ofcourse...lol)

I fell in love madly, gave it all, and had to loose it again....lets just hope I learned from that...never again!

I got great jobs, quit one of them resently and started another one that I never thought I'd like so much!

And last but not least, Im mooving out of the appartment that Ive been in for the last 5 years and Im mooving in with one of my best friends...another change...a good one!

In less than two weeks now.

Yeah, overall its been a good year....litle bit of a rollercoaster...but that fits me.

I just hope that my 25th year will be a litle different, no more heartacke than I can handle, and more travels!!

The adrenaline I've had rushing trough my vains for the last 3 months have been great. Knowing Ill be back in SD in july is such a blessing, and the creative ideas just dont stop coming. I wander what is in store for me...

So here I go....Im turning 25....

And have all the freedom of the world...God has been faithfull even when I turned my back on Him, He never stopped showing me His love and grace.

Im loving it!!!

(no not mcdonalds!)

zondag 2 maart 2008

An amazing story

This morning I went to church...
For me not a comment thing to do, cuz I use to go to the eveningservices, but I wanted to check out this church in Amsterdam, and they dont do eveningservices....so I had to get up earlier and skate my way trough Amsterdam.

I wanted to share this story with you, the speaker told us, when he tried to explain gods justice and righteousnesse to us. Its a differcult topic.
he theme of the service was "God as a judge".
This is a treu story.......

A few years a go, in China, there were to brothers. One of them, the youngest, had a wild life and was drunk a lot. He went out every night, didnt have a job, stole money from people, and hung out in the streets....bad guy, you get the idea!
One night he got into a fight and killed the guy that he was fighting. He stabbed the man with a knife. Kicked him in the face and he went back home.
Still drunk he did realize what he just did, and when he took a look at his white tshirt he realized it was soked with blood, from the guy he just killed......
Than he heard the policesirence coming closer and closer... He took his tshirt of and hid it under the couch, slipped trough the back door and left...
His older brother who was sleeping in another room heard his younger brother stumble, and crieing in the livingroom, fallowed by the slamming backdoor.
He went in to the livingroom, and notesed the bloody tshirt hidden under the couch.
He heard the policesirence, now infront of their house.
It only took him a second to realize what happend...

He reached down to pick up his younger brothers tshirt and dressed him self in it. The smell was terrible.
As the police came in he lifted his hands above his head, and told the police he killed the guy, and that he was the man that they were looking for.

The older brother happend to be a christian, and took the guild that his younger brother should have had. The older brother got the deathpanelty and died for something he didnt do. But he saved his younger brother from guild.

After a few years the younger brother got some comment sence and became a christian. He realized what his older brother did for him, but feld so guilty. He could nt bare it and went to the police, after he shared the story with them, and they looked it up in the system, cuz it happend years before, they didnt know what to do.
"I killed this men", the younger brother told them, "You should punish me"...my older brother was innocent.
But the police told him to leave;"there has been a crime and someone allready has been punished for that. We cant punish you anymore. Its done. Its a done case....
The younger brother was a FREE MAN. His brother took his punishment for him, so he could live a free life!!!

Do you see the simularities??
That is what jesus did for us.
Its not an easy thing to accept, to be honest, I think I keep fighting the idea that someone else loves me somuch that he wants to be with me no mather what, and to make that happen, he lets his only son carry my sins and die for me. Who the hack would do such a thing. Its not logic is it??
I realised this morning that there is only one way to deal with this truth...by just excepting it.

Something else that really hit me was the different way of looking at jesus this morning. The speaker challenged us to see Jesus as a GUILTY man when he hung at the cross. He was far, far away from God. Thats what sin does to us....
The speaker sayd; when God looked down upon his only Son, he saw a sinfull man, and he was, cus He (Jesus) carried all our sins at the cross!
Good thing He raise from the death.
Our since are allready punished...by Jesus....God doesnt punish you again.....

This doesnt meen ofcouse when you kill someone, its ok....and you can just walk away from it.....
there are consequences when you do sertent things here on earth.

So I guess you can live your life, thinking, "my since are paid for so why would I care....I dont, Ill just live my life and see what happens when I die...whatever...."
Or you can accept, wich I think is way harder, that Jesus ones did die and took our sinse with Him..........by His blood we are clean......so we can live a pure life with God.

Wich one will it be?