Dream.....Do...Act...... and Achieve!

With God on my side I have nothing to loose, only things to gain.

vrijdag 25 januari 2008

What?? Ill spell it out for you!

After three days Im still ill, and my voice in completely gone. I have do idea what is going on. But it sucks cuz it stops me from going out or talking to people. And all I can do is just hang around the hostel and sleep, or watch a litle tv. Agnus, one of the guys here, from Norway..(i love europeans!) has been taking care of me a litle bit. As I had to go out at some point to by food, I gotta eat you know..., he asked m to write down what I wanted, so I went with him to the store, and he did the talking. That was kind of funny, I think some people thought I was deaf and some thought I was just retarded... We had fun :D
But I can tell you, I love San Diego. Its so great. The first day I arrived we went to a market in Ocean Beach, they had fresh food and awesome cheap shoes!!!
Loving it.
Im just hoping I get my voice back soon.... If not...it will be really quiet in San Diego!

woensdag 23 januari 2008

Hitchhiking from LA to SD!

I know its probebly not the smartest thing to do when your a girl and traveling by your self. But after my friend didnt show up at the airport in LA and I couldnt go anywhere, I desided to go with the offer of two gentleman and getting a ride with them with a car that they were gonna rent. One of the men lives right across from the Hostel that I was gonna stay at, so I just gave it a shot...it was 5 in the morning by the time we left, and I was excausted! I was very aware of what I was doing, and had my right fist ready to punch.....
But after Ali dropped the one gentlemen off at his place he drove me all the way to the hostel, on top of that he payed for my first night.... I didnt ask for anything, but he insisted. In the car we had great confersations, he was a moslim,. Im a cristian....yeah, that was an interesting confersation! Those discussions can be hard but we just laughed, and listened to eachother! It was great. Just to bad it was 6 in the morning, he lost his suitcases and I lost my voice, thats how tiered I was...
Anywas, I got at the hostel and one of the girls reconized me helped me out with a bed and I slept like a baby!
Less fun is the fact that they are doing construction here, and my room is next to the room that is under construction and all my clothes are covered in dust. Luckely they desided to moove me upstairs with the staff where I have my own room now! :)
This afternoon Ill be going to Pacific Beach with two of guys that I met here at the hostel. Should be fun checking that place out again. Im not sure if we can surf, the sun is out, but with my healthcondition I dont think its very good right now. I need a good night sleep! And I will, tonight!
Anywas, San Diego is still lovely, its a nice invirement and when I get my voice back I can do the jobintervieuws I had planned. For now I cant even wisper...Its so weird!

Greetings from San Diego!

zondag 20 januari 2008

Hello Hollywood.....

I have arrived safely...after a freakin' long and terrible flight I arrived at LAX LA yesterday and Danny picked me up... His blond (bleeched) hair freeked me out at first :). But its so great to see him again and hang out! With him and two friends, Rachel and Heidi, we went down to see a moovie, but because Danny drove the wrong way we missed the moovie. So We just went for a drink. Im still really tired and a litle overwhelmed by the richness here and the freaking expensive cars like mazzaradi's and superpimped other brands. What a different world out here! We drove down sunset boulevard thats where Im staying for a couple of nights with Danny and his brothers and the rest of the guys from Goodbuy Elliot. Im exited to go to San Diego in a couple of days and meet of with some friends I met a long the road last time I was there.
Just a quik updat.....
More soon....!

vrijdag 18 januari 2008

Tomorrow Im flying to the other side of the world!

Im leaving on a yetplane, dont know when Ill be back again.......you know that song right?!

Tommorow at 10 am my plain will be leaving Amsterdam, take me to Atlanta and from there another plain will be waiting to take me to LA! I have no idea what to expect from this city...and no clu if Im going to like it. But I know that Ill be seing a good friend again, Danny, and that should be fun! And Im hoping to meet up with Stephanie, another friend I havent seen for a long time.

Just like last time, wich was my first time flying btw (besides a few years ago to England but that doesnt count, its 45 minutes in the air and thats it...), I am not nervous at all. Supercalm...its almost weird. Im hoping and praying that this trip will reveal more of my idea to go and live in San Diego in june. (There Donny, thats your answer! ;) ) There are a few things I want to do when Im down there, looking out for several jobs. Im in contact with a girl I met trough a friend here, that works for this volunteer organisation "big brother/big sister" and hopefully get a volunteerjob with them. Its an awesome organisation. And than there is still the desire to work for this nonprofit organisation Invisable Cildren. But Im not sure if this will pay me, so I might have to look out for a crappy job that pays me some money.

Im exited. Exited for all the things that will be coming my way, and exited to see where God wants me to be. Cuz I know that time is a big thing, and my experience is that Im most of the time 2 steps a head of God, and He calls me back!

So Im taking of tomorrow, trusting in Him and knowing He will be faithfull to me!

So read my blog next time, and you'll know what's new!!!

zaterdag 12 januari 2008

The Kiterunner

Last night my family,mom-dad-and my three younger sisters and I went to the cinema to see the moovie The Kiterunner. Some of you might have read the book.

I was blown away by this moovie, its like art, the shots, the city of Kabul, and deserts of Afganistan. Beautiful. This moovie shows bouth sides of these, still in war, countries. The biautiful nature, and the people and there way of living there lives, and than there is the Taliban, te regime that kills women and men who dont fallow their rules. Its a moovie that touched my soul more than any other moovie has ever done. This one is so real, and at the same time, when a women is beeing stoned you realise that it is very real.

I am very impressed by the way the actors and writer dealed with the issues of the taliban. Its just sooo good!

Ofcourse I wont write the whole storie down, no you should go and see the moovie for your self. It is worth it!

Its a tearrunner, and sometimes funny, but in an emotional way.
Love and hate, fear, human rights, pain, but also the joy of a child, the beauti of the countries and the people.....
And the loyalty that a servant shows his master......

everyone; go see "THE KITERUNNER" !!!!!!!!!!

Director:Marc Forster
Writers (WGA):David Benioff (screenplay)Khaled Hosseini (novel)
Release Date:10 January 2008 (Netherlands) more
Genre:Drama more
Tagline:There is a way to be good again.
Plot Outline:After spending years in California, Amir returns to his homeland in Afghanistan to help his old friend Hassan, whose son is in trouble.
Plot Synopsis:View full synopsis. (warning! may contain spoilers)
Plot Keywords:Controversial / Taliban / Child Rape / Flea Market / Stoning more
Awards:Nominated for 2 Golden Globes. Another 1 win & 3 nominations

donderdag 10 januari 2008

trieing to find a job on the other side of the world

It's excousting....searching for jobs on the other side of the world by only using the net.

I am the kind of person that walks into an office and asks for available jobs or I just give the family (since Im a family- counseler..but apperantly they dont have those in San Diego) a call and get them to want me. Untill today that always worked for me. I never had all the paperwork and stuff.
I just got the job simply by talking.
But I guess I wont be able to use my smooth-talking-skills (in a positive way, people) with these jobs. I have to fill out all the forms, and proove them by writing that I am the best possible person that they should hire.... I hate it! It makes me feel small and insecure. My english is wel, not perfect, and writing english is ok, but far from perfect!

So what do I do...
I sit down behind my computer again, and keep searching. I cant live there without a job, and besides I want to work, its such an amazing oppertunitie for this dutch girl!
My eyes are about to close, everywhere I look I see the computerscreen and my back hurts from sitting in the same position for saveral hours.


Why is it so differcult sometimes.
I know, ones I find a job and Im hired, thats the moment the real paperwork starts, and I am not only talking about the normal paper, also the moneypaper...you know, I have to pay to get a VISA, or to applie to get english lessons at the international school in La Jolla!!

So today I went out and met up with some people that are either thinking about mooving to SD, or ARE mooving there in the summer!
Isn't it weird, some of them Ive known for a while others got in contact with me when they found out I was thinking about mooving too.

Its kind a strange, but as I prayed for people around me in the same position just a litle wink from God!
I guess I have to keep trusting that His ways will be much better than mine. So that's what I do, and also realizing that I do have a responsbility to take care of stuf.
So here I go again, emailing the right person, trieing to use the right words and "selling" myself as a good employe.
And I got some new contacts in San Diego, so I want to send them an email to about my plans, they might be able to help me out when Im there, and dreaming with me about our (h)art&soul festival that I want to organise there.

Who knows.....
For now....I close my eyes think really deep and start an other letter......

dinsdag 8 januari 2008

A great start of this new year!!!

I'm sure most of you are done with the holidays, cristmas is over and so is the newyears-vibe... The cristmastrees are all to be found on the streets in my hometown Haarlem, its kind a sad.

So I hope you guys had a good new year start! I def did!
My friend Courtney, from Detroit (put your hands up for detroit...I love that city.... yes that one) came over for a conference, but also stayd with me a couple of days. It was great to see her.

And I didnt expect us to get a long the way we did. Like sisters. She told me all her secrets, even some I didnt wanna know....but you know, she didnt care ;) We went hunting for toiletpaper, made dutch pancakes, hung out and trie to watch moovies but never seem to make the end cuz we would talk all the time, and the best part.....besides good company, prayers and sisterlove, were the amount of clothe that she had with her for these 10 days :D . Courtney brought two huge suitcases with her, and so when she had to go to the airport this morning at 5.30am!!! I had to come with her.....well I offered, I like the airport and had to go to work anyways, so. But she wouldnt have made it on her own with those big bags!!! It cracked me up!

So, a shout out to you Courtney, cheers on the best and biggest stroopwafels ever, great tea, good confersations, and your cough, to the trains and your wobbley shoes (how's your enkel) and to my date and you hottie!!! :D

I loved it and Ill miss you!!!

Newyears was at Dwaze Zaken, a cafe in Amsterdam. DJ Joost who I must say is kind a cute, and DJ Rikko delivered the music and we danced, smiled and cheered! See the pics. It was good.

One litle negative thing, the fog. At 6 am as we (me and my friend) drove back to haarlem by car, had to drive so slow, we couldnt see anything and it took us almost an hour-and-a-half to get to Haarlem!!! (This is normaly done in 30 minutes by car!)

Clouds everyhere.....spooky.

So now its 2008, my friend alise bought a house, and Ill be mooving in with her very soon, Ill be going to LA and meet with Danny who I havent seen for at least 2 years and go to SD surf the waves and might end up with a job....if the Lord wants it.....

To be continued....