It's excousting....searching for jobs on the other side of the world by only using the net.
I am the kind of person that walks into an office and asks for available jobs or I just give the family (since Im a family- counseler..but apperantly they dont have those in San Diego) a call and get them to want me. Untill today that always worked for me. I never had all the paperwork and stuff.
I just got the job simply by talking.
But I guess I wont be able to use my smooth-talking-skills (in a positive way, people) with these jobs. I have to fill out all the forms, and proove them by writing that I am the best possible person that they should hire.... I hate it! It makes me feel small and insecure. My english is wel, not perfect, and writing english is ok, but far from perfect!
So what do I do...
I sit down behind my computer again, and keep searching. I cant live there without a job, and besides I want to work, its such an amazing oppertunitie for this dutch girl!
My eyes are about to close, everywhere I look I see the computerscreen and my back hurts from sitting in the same position for saveral hours.

Why is it so differcult sometimes.
I know, ones I find a job and Im hired, thats the moment the real paperwork starts, and I am not only talking about the normal paper, also the moneypaper...you know, I have to pay to get a VISA, or to applie to get english lessons at the international school in La Jolla!!
So today I went out and met up with some people that are either thinking about mooving to SD, or ARE mooving there in the summer!
Isn't it weird, some of them Ive known for a while others got in contact with me when they found out I was thinking about mooving too.
Its kind a strange, but as I prayed for people around me in the same position just a litle wink from God!
I guess I have to keep trusting that His ways will be much better than mine. So that's what I do, and also realizing that I do have a responsbility to take care of stuf.
So here I go again, emailing the right person, trieing to use the right words and "selling" myself as a good employe.
And I got some new contacts in San Diego, so I want to send them an email to about my plans, they might be able to help me out when Im there, and dreaming with me about our (h)art&soul festival that I want to organise there.
Who knows.....
For now....I close my eyes think really deep and start an other letter......